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Bug Sweeper Services Manchester

Bug Sweeper Services operate throughout Manchester and the Greater Manchester Area. We can attend your home, workplace or vehicle and carry out a professional thorough bug sweep, and GUARANTEE to find any electronic device that is hidden. 

Expert Bug Detection

Home Bug Sweep

If you believe your Manchester home is being bugged and want to find out for sure, get an expert to carry out a comprehensive electronic counter surveillance sweep.



Car Tracker Sweep

It's so easy to fit a hidden GPS car trackers, but not so easy to find it. We have over 30 years experience in finding a hidden car tracker.

If It's there we will find it.

Manchester De-Bugging

Don't take chances with your privacy, get a detailed expert bug sweep carried out. Our electronic bug detectors can find ALL hidden / illegal bugs.

Manchester's No1 Bug Sweeper

Our electronic bug sweeping services detect the most sophisticated spying equipment available, whether it's used by an ex- (or current) partner, stalker, private detective, news journalist or the Police, we will find it. We use the latest technology in spy bug detection and car bugging equipment. Our counter surveillance (TCSM) expert operates with complete discretion and integrity.

All surveillance devices captured and removed. We leave nothing to chance!


If you would like to speak to one of our consultants, we offer FREE impartial advice.


Don't take chances with your privacy, find out for sure.

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