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Listening Device Discovered In Foreign Government Office

Bug Sweeper Services

May 30, 2022

Covert Surveillance Operation Carried Out By Chinese Against Israel Government

Government ministries suspect that a citation and listening device hidden as a gift from the Chinese embassy hid a listening device, IDF waves reported today (Tuesday). 

According to the report, the suspect component was detected during a routine counter surveillance security check, but security officials noted that the suspect is still being investigated.

Following the incident, the glasses were immediately collected from the other government offices for further inspection. 

It was also reported that routine procedures had been sharpened at government offices, according to which any gift from a foreign embassy was required to pass a security check.

In some bureaus, employees were asked to focus primarily on gifts from China.

The Israeli GSS said that the affair was under investigation. 

It should be noted that this is not the first time that gifts coming from dictatorial countries to government ministries have included listening devices.

The story highlights the capacity and widespread use not just by cheating partners, nosey neighbours and landlords, but foreign governments in the use of spying hardware that captures sensitive and private information.

The use of clandestine spying devices is not just for story lines in a James Bond spy thriller, they are used by most intelligence agencies and law enforcement agencies, so do not underestimate the ability of the state.

If you believe you are under surveillance by government agencies or someone else, contact us today.

Read more about how we detect spying gadgets and devices in commercial environments and offices HERE.

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